
Non-destructive sugar level meter

페이지 정보


Product Specification
Features It is mounted on the top of the sorter and measures non-destructive fruit sugar content by near-infrared spectroscopy. A product that has passed the non-destructive sugar level screening test of an authorized institution (Agricultural Technology Commercialization Foundation) as a device
Measurement method Transmissive
Measurement range 5 to 20 Brix
Selected items Apples, pears, peaches, watermelons, melons, melons, kiwifruit (kiwi), persimmons (hallabong, redhyang, cheonhyehyang), etc.
Measurement precision Sweetness SEP 0.5 Brix (Watermelon, Melon: SEP 1.0 Brix) / Acidity SEP 0.2% (Applied to tangerines and persimmons)
Equipment safety Installing an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) to maintain data backup stability in case of power failure, errors and problems In case of occurrence, rapid response through remote control is possible (when connected to a public Internet network)