
mechanical checkweigher

페이지 정보


Product Specification
model name Mechanical checkweigher
Selection method cup method using weights
Advantages It is designed with excellent performance and durability with high technology using the principle of lever, so it is very simple to change the setting of the plane, easy to handle, very high degree of sorting, and damage to fruits is widely used for all fruits in Eoansa. High Performance Checkweigher
Main items Persimmons, kiwi, apples, pears, tomatoes, peaches, sweet persimmons, etc.
Selection ability 7,200-10,000 per hour
Product specifications PW-3208 / Machine length 4010mm / 8 layers
PW-3210 / Machine length 4730mm / 10 layers
PW-3213 / Machine length 6000mm / 13 layers
PW-3216 / Machine length 7000mm / 16 steps